Character Cats
02 June 2008The time of year has come when there will be kittens looking for new homes. New kittens are a very exciting event for any family, but as always Kats&Kits asks you to make sure that they are neutered by the time they are six months old, your vet will advise you, and financial help is available from several of the big animal charities. All the cats at Kats&Kits are neutered, but there are thousands of stray cats producing up to three litters of kittens each year, who will live miserable lives, scavenging for food and often unable to be homed because they have had no human contact and have become feral. Please do not add to the problem. Neutered cats are healthy and home loving, clean and affectionate. Click on the links for July and October 2006 and June 2007 for information and stories.
DONATION FROM MARLBOROUGH Would the lady from Marlborough who kindly made us a donation please accept my apologies for not taking her name and number so that Lorraine could thank her.
WINNERS OF THE "100 CLUB" JUNE DRAW; Karen Sidey from Poole Rita Jeffrey from Tiverton Kin Hall from Melksham
VOLUNTARY HELP Once again we are looking for voluntary help. If you have a few hours to spare, preferably in the morning and you would like to spend it working with our beautiful cats in the countryside please ring 01380 828850 and leave a message. We are situated between Bulkington and Keevil and transport would be needed.
JUMBLE SALE Next Jumble Sale will take place on July 5th at the Scout Hall, Southbroom Rd., Devizes. Sorting is going on as I type and it looks as if as usual there will be plenty of bargains. |
About Kats & Kits:Kats & Kits is a long established cat sanctuary based in the depth of the UK's mystical Wiltshire countryside, on the edge of Salisbury Plain, near the white horses of Alton Barnes and Westbury. Run by a small dedicated team we aim to provide a home to rescued cats where re-homing is not a viable option. This blog documents the daily challenges the group has overcome since 1994 to provide care and shelter for abandonded, stray and unwanted cats.
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