Character Cats
31 August 2009
15 August 2009Devizes Kats & Kits started exactly fifteen years ago to-day, We have cared for thousands of cats, loved and cherished each one, and that is how we hope to continue. There have been many happy times and some sad, laughter and tears but always joy seeing the cats every day. 03 August 2009The August draw of the "100 club" has taken place and the winners are; J Crouch of Rowde O&C Heffernon of Worton J Crawford of Conock 02 August 2009Don't miss our bigest sale of the year, bric a brac, books, plants and surprise items that even we don't see until the morning of the sale. Sat. 22nd August 9am - 1pm The Brittox, Devizes Wilts. He is a handsome neutered Tabby about two years old with an engaging personality. He loves human company, calling for your attention, taking every opportunity to rub against your legs, sit on your lap or go walking with you, a real companion cat. After giving him time to recover and to get used to his surroundings Lorraine decided to let him out of his pen and give him the freedom that the other sanctuary cats enjoy. However the strong character that makes him a delightful human companion proved to be too much for many of the other cats to cope with, especially those that are timid or elderly, because of this Tarn now has to spend most of his time in his pen, though this is large with a garden area it is not ideal for a young energetic cat who likes company. So we are looking for a new home for Tarn. He needs to be the sole cat with experienced cat owners who are around for a good part of the day. Ideally a rural situation would be best or a large garden with no cats near bye. If you think you could give this lovely cat a good home please ring Lorraine on 01380 828850 and leave a message, she will come back to you. |
About Kats & Kits:Kats & Kits is a long established cat sanctuary based in the depth of the UK's mystical Wiltshire countryside, on the edge of Salisbury Plain, near the white horses of Alton Barnes and Westbury. Run by a small dedicated team we aim to provide a home to rescued cats where re-homing is not a viable option. This blog documents the daily challenges the group has overcome since 1994 to provide care and shelter for abandonded, stray and unwanted cats.
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